
Drumming lessons


regular classes

Cycles of ten lessons that are held weekly in Prague’s Žižkov district. Currently, courses are available for all skill levels, teaching African drumming on djembe and bass drums. The first lesson is free!



Current Workshops (Facebook)

Workshops are held on a rolling basis and always focus on one particular African rhythm. Workshops are usually open to all levels of ability, but some will be aimed specifically at beginners or advanced.


Jam Sessions

Current Jam Sessions (Facebook)

Jam sessions happen several times a year and are open to everyone! Instruments are provided, and no prior playing experience is necessary. During the jam, you have the freedom to play your rhythm or follow more experienced players.

Tomáš Oplatek vede lekci bubnování v prostorné místnosti. Uprostřed stojí tři velké bubny, kolem nich v kruhu sedí různorodá skupina účastníků. Tomáš v zeleném tričku a s paličkami vysvětluje techniku. Účastníci mají menší bubny, jedna dívka má barevné copánky. V pozadí jsou police s dalšími bubny. Místnost má dřevěnou podlahu a světlé stěny.



Lessons are held every Tuesday from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in Žižkov at the Dancers’ Club. The first course will start on September 10, 2024.

The courses will be divided into cycles of ten lessons, each focusing on a different rhythm. During the first cycle, you can join any lesson. The first lesson is free and open to anyone, regardless of their drumming experience. The first cycle will focus entirely on introducing the techniques of playing djembe and bass drums.

For subsequent cycles, a basic understanding of drumming techniques will be expected. These cycles will be open to anyone familiar with the basic djembe strokes (bass, tone, slap) and bass drum techniques (open and closed strokes, playing the bell). However, the courses will still cater to beginner drummers. If you’d like to join a follow-up cycle but haven’t yet mastered the basic techniques, it’s possible to arrange a private lesson or attend one of the beginner djembe workshops that will be scheduled throughout the year.

The price is 300 CZK per individual lesson or 250 CZK per lesson when prepaying for all ten lessons in the cycle.

If you are unable to use all your prepaid lessons, up to two can be carried over to the next cycle.

Tomáš Oplatek vede lekci bubnování: v popředí ruce bubeníka s paličkami na djembe bubnu s barevnými provázky. V pozadí dvě mladé ženy, jedna s dlouhými světlými vlasy, druhá tmavovlasá u svého bubnu. Místnost má žluté stěny a je vybavena pro výuku bubnování.



Lessons are held every Wednesday from 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM in Žižkov at the Dancers’ Club.

The courses will be divided into cycles of ten lessons, each focusing on a different rhythm.

This course is suitable for drummers with a solid understanding of drumming techniques, including the basic djembe strokes (bass, tone, slap) and bass drum techniques (open and closed strokes, playing the bell, triplets). The courses will focus in greater detail on more complex African rhythms, soloing techniques, and other advanced topics.

The price is 250 CZK per individual lesson or 200 CZK per lesson when prepaying for all ten lessons in the cycle. If you are unable to use all your prepaid lessons, up to two can be carried over to the next cycle.

Tomáš Oplatek vede lekci bubnování: pět účastníků včetně Tomáše v zeleném tričku hraje na djembe bubny v kruhu. Dvě ženy vlevo, další účastníci vpravo. Lekce probíhá v interiéru s dřevěnou podlahou a přirozeným světlem.



Lessons are held every Thursday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in Žižkov at the Dancers’ Club.

The courses will be divided into cycles of ten lessons, each focusing on a different rhythm.

This course is suitable for drummers with a perfect mastery of drumming techniques and a strong knowledge of various types of African rhythms. The courses will focus on the most complex African rhythms, solos, and a deeper understanding and orientation within the rhythms.

The price is 300 CZK per individual lesson or 250 CZK per lesson when prepaying for all ten lessons in the cycle. If you are unable to use all your prepaid lessons, up to two can be carried over to the next cycle.